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re(s)public is committed to a new holistic view. We engage with the narratives, imaginaries, utopias and one-to-one social constructions that agglomerate in urban realities as drivers to design processes. Our aim is bringing back spatial agency to the public. Especially in the field of space design, we can feed from our individual experiences in social, spatial, aesthetical and urban projects in practices across different continents.

Read more about our members here.

These values led us to craft a cultural artistic approach to architecture making. Our democratic and cooperative working method generates a diverse practice in a variety of scales. With the aim to bridge architecture to cultural practices, critical theory, social engagement, and art, we create a public participatory process, which is intended to live on in the community even when some of the interventions we make are gone.

In art school, there was a notion to think the process of interdisciplinarity and collaborative quest as an orchestra — to imagine ourselves in a group playing a melody together. What makes a good sound? How do we negotiate that as a group? Is there a context for this type of practice — for the choices we make? Why do we choose this medium? Is it sustainable? Why are we concerned about sustainability? What are the implications of this work? How do I communicate with my group? Why do we communicate in this way?

Read more about the sound we make here.

Sharing Paths to Creation

February 2021

An ongoing Open Call If you had to communicate the essence of your ways of practice, how would you do it on one A3 sheet? Is it a metaphor for how you trigger your creative processes? Is it by distilling the repetition of steps that you can never do without? Is it by writing a […]

Today @ Apple

February 2020

As a part of Apple’s Future Makers Festival 2019, we created collaboratively with participants across topics like climate emergency, slow life, border and data ownership. Read more about the project o our medium here.

Connecting Methods Through Narratives

November 2019

If you had to communicate the essence of your ways of practice on one A3 sheet how would you do it? During a one week workshop with students at the Royal College of Art in London, we went through the process of making a book which then became the first series of Sharing Paths to […]

We Cannot Work Like This

May 2019

A transnational alliance of several departments of academies and universities in the region in Belgium, France, England and Hong Kong, working on a proposal for sustainable, decolonial and inclusive practices. Read more about the project in this medium article.